
By using our bot (Xentri), You agree that you have read and agreed to this page.
1. We are store your server ID, also we are store your channels ID, users ID, and your roles ID & Reaction ID & name

2. a. We are store your server ID for make our settings per-guild.
b. we are store your channels ID (Only if you provide any) to send messages on the specific channel e.g welcomer & leaver.
c. we are store your roles ID (Only if you provide any) to make permissions to this role e.g giveaways manager.
d. we are store your reaction ID (only if your provide any) e.g setreactionchannel command.e. we are store your user ID (only if your provide any) e.g for messages system & setbirthday

3. We are not sharing your data to anyone, only Xentri developers can see this.

4. You can contact me on the Support Server if you have any concerns about the bot.

5. You can delete all your server data with the command (prefix)resetdata

- Xentri Team